"Creativity is contagious, pass it on" - Albert Einstein

Thursday 2 October 2014

Dreams big and small

Everyone has hopes and dreams that they one day hope to achieve. But ever feel like those hopes and dreams are too big? Or maybe you're just afraid of being rejected. It's these fears that stop you from ever truly believing that it's possible, that you can someday achieve your goal. I know that I feel this way all the time with a lot of the things I do. It doesn't matter how many times people say that I can do it, that I am good enough or my work is good enough.  They tell me words of encouragement and I don't necessarily believe them.  Maybe one day I will find the courage to actually make my dreams a reality, like publishing a book.

I don't know about others, but the fear of rejection is so much smaller than the idea of never knowing. To spend all your life wondering what it would've been like,  how different life could've turned out to be.  I don't want to be one of those people who spend their life  regretting,  wishing that they could've done something different. 

This is why I have decided, that no matter how hard something seems and even with the possibility of rejection, I will still try to reach  my goal.  And even if things don't necessarily go the way I had hoped I will still try to look at it in an optimistic way, and I will try again until I succeed. 

So my advice to you is to take 30 seconds of your life and do something that you had always dreamed of or hope to do or accomplish but were too afraid to actually do it.  Because it takes just that, 30 seconds, to change your life.

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